From Monday, June 25, 2012
I don't think you can buy tickets in advance for the bus? Not sure, but we actually bought our tickets the 2 days before @ Gosuk or Seoul bus terminal (not sure since my Aunt just drove us there...if I actually got there from subway, I'd know though) for around 32000won each for a one way ticket from Seoul to Pohang. Got on the bus for Pohang at 6am and was scheduled to arrive at 10:40am. Maybe there was less traffic, so we actually arrived at 10:15am - a whopping 25 minutes early. We were actually surprised to see that Pohang had more stores than we thought. From the bus terminal, we took a taxi to POSTECH aka 포항공대. Taxi fare was about 6000won. We went to the International Students Office first and met our advisor, Estella, who is super nice. Opened a bank account at Woori Bank and then went to our meeting with Professor Cho and other group leaders at 11:30am. Talked about the Campus English Program and how we have to speak English to the students for at least 3 hours a day. Then split into groups of two (Han is my partner; he's done the program twice in the past also) - basically Prof Cho picked them bc people were so indecisive lol - and then me, Ling, and Michael went to the new international student orientation at 1:30pm with Estella. After, we went to the dorms - RC 21 - and unpacked. Met with our students at 6pm and then split into groups - we call ours "KBG" for Key, Bee, and Gee (the nicknames we gave our students). After talking a bit, we ordered Chinese food for dinner and played Mafia. After, got a group of students and went to Log Cabin - sorta like a pub on campus.

Selling food @ Gosuk Bus Terminal
our bus to Pohang
kimbap, rice cake, and watermelon Aunt packed for us ^^
rest station
wow~ the area around the rest station felt so fresh and skies were blue!
rice paddy
the honey thing Ling had bought the other day
pizza @ Campus English meeting
I suppose Koreans just normally eat pickles with their Pizza?
@ POSTECH 78 stairs.... D:
New International student orientation
dorm room @ RC 21
so much nicer than UMD's
take shoes off; a must in Korea. I like.
Community Center - passing by cafeteria to get to the convenience store
the pond with lotus right outside the community center
interesting... never saw this sort of bird before? only in oriental paintings haha
entrance to student union. wow so many stairs!!
first time ordering jajangmyun / take out in general in Korea. they periodically make rounds to pick up the box / dishes
free mandu (dumplings) aka "service"
i got jampong for 4500won
Ling got jajangmyun for 4000won. after eating, we played mafia. mwahaha I was one of the three mafia and we won :) actually, the whole mafia was in my English group. Peter chose.
went to Log Cabin- located on campus
ordered 2 or 3 of these?
anju. you eat them while drinking
played King's Cup, but ended up switching the shot glass out for a mug lol
So the weather in Pohang is actually pretty nice... definitely not as hot as it was in Seoul. However, I hear that this weather is very abnormal and that it is usually much hotter. It hasn't heated up too much yet though. :)