Monday, October 13, 2014

Exchange Student [교환 학생]

I'm back! It seems like every 2 years, I start to plan another journey to Korea. I just got accepted today to my Uni's exchange program they have set up with Yonsei! So, this time I'll be chronicling my experience as a future exchange student at Yonsei University during the 2015 spring semester (if everything else works out fine and I actually make it to Korea that is!). 

I'm currently a senior at a university in the United States, a business student, and want to become a dentist. I didn't think I would have time to fit in study abroad, but realized just this summer that it could just possibly work out during my last semester.

Even better, I think one of my really good friends from college will be joining me! Last time was Ling, and this time is Sheena. She's Indian. Heh. She's graduating early. So she won't be going to school, but will be making $ teaching English instead. She's smart.

To apply to for the exchange, I wrote an essay about the reasons I want to study abroad, and why specifically I chose Yonsei + more miscellaneous things like a letter of recommendation and my transcript. My school has a really nice set-up though. There's a checklist of things to get done before your application is considered complete, so it makes it very easy to see what you still need to do.

As for the reason why I chose Yonsei, really at the core of it, Yonsei just happened to reliably offer the classes I need to graduate. Hopefully I can get them in my schedule.

I have a bunch of other things I have to do to complete the process now that I have been nominated from my home university. I'll write about that later, once I start that is...