Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Week of School


So Monday July 5, 2010  = first day of school.
We took our placement test that day. It was basically a packet that was fill in the blanks / multiple choice / dictation / vocabulary test. There was also a part at the end where I had to write about my hobby / about myself in Korean. After I took the paper test, I then had to have an interview. My interviewer (who later turned out to be one of my teachers) asked me pretty simple questions...i.e. 'How long did it take for you to get to Sogang from your house?' and 'Why do you want to learn Korean?'

Tuesday July 6, 2010 = first official day of school
I met up with my supporters early before school started.. around 10 a.m. My group ended up being merged with another group (group 1 + group 6 = huge group). I think it's because one of the other group's supporters couldn't be one anymore or something like that... but anyways, we basically got an extra supporter and a whole bunch of other people lol. After everyone gathered, we moved down to this building where the new supporter (Jiwoong) gave a presentation on what we would be doing in Korea when we hung out with them (aka supporters). Then we played Korean games! One was some kind of game where we had to memorize players' was pretty fun. They said it's usually played to introduce people. Then we played 007빵, some kind of drinking game (instead cups were filled with traditional tea lol), and hang man (which ended up being way too easy...all the words they came up with were in their powerpoint. People were guessing the answer just by looking at how many spaces there were haha). We also played an 'American' game, telephone. It was really funny.
...."Anthony likes Melissa" to "Anthony is black"
and something with "shingles" to "Anthony is a sexy beast" hahaha turns out one of the supporters (Hyunwoo) changed it because he didnt get what I said...or he thought that's what I said lol

Ok, so after that, we went to eat shabu shabu. It was good. There was noodles in it too.
Then we went to school. (but we got ice cream before going in too!) First day of real school. I'm in the advanced class, but I'd rather be in intermediate. I can understand a good amount of Korean, but I'm bad at talking and my grammer is really suffering...

Afterschool, I ate at the same restaurant as the one I ate at with my host-sister's friend - with MaiTong, Jessica, Brielle, and Josh. Turns out Josh lives really close to me, so went on the bus with him back to the neighborhood. Later met up with Josh and my host-sister to go to the local DAISO and 노래방. First 노래방 ever in Korea! It was kind of dirty though...with a lot of bugs ...everywhere. Very happy with the mask I bought at DAISO though. Josh bought the cute kitty one and it matches perfectly with him lol

Wednesday July 7, 2010
Met up around 10 am with Jessica and Maitong before school started. Looked around the streets of Sinchon. Found out there's an ARTBOX there and we also went to RED MANGO. Met Zack and Anthony randomly on the streets so we ate lunch at some restaurant. I ate 물냉면.
After school, me, Jessica, Maitong, and Brielle went to MyungDong. Bought watches and a few shirts. Went to a Donkatsu place that didnt taste that good... but it was cheap and the guys working there were nice.

Thursday July 8, 2010
Met up at 9.50 am with supporters and group at Anguk Station. Went to 창덕궁. I'm still not sure if we really visited the secret garden or not... It was really pretty! I want to make a modern version of a hanok to live in back in the U.S. ... or a fusion hotel. Sadly, I know this would be incredibly expensive...
Ate with the group.
After school ate frozen yogurt at the waffle stand (this being my 3rd time there) and went to 노래방 with a bunch of people (Susie, DiMitri, Elwin, Brian Q, Eileen, Tai, Anthony). After singing, we went to the same restaurant again (because it's cheap and good!) We really need to start going to other restaurants though lol

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