Sunday, June 17, 2012

주차장 [parking lot]

Relatively chill day today. Did some planning and a tiny bit of studying today :) Went to Emart ~~ gosh.. I should have took a picture of the parking lot. It was so crowded and to park with a line of cars behind you would put so much extra pressure on the driver. Also, Koreans seem to really like parking where the end of the car goes into the parking spot first... I pretty much never do that when I park. I feel as though it would be harder, but I  guess leaving is easier?

 Pho with cousin and her fam @ Phomein in the building where Emart is. (I'm not quite sure where the Emart was...since I have no idea where they're driving.)  Delicioous. I think it was 8,500 won. Beef pho. That building was huge and has so many little shops inside. 

Spring Rolls that tasted like kimbap lol... the sauce tasted good though. It reminded me of the peanut sauce that came with the salad on the Asiana flight from Tokyo to Seoul. 

 What a cute keyboard! but the laptop itself is pretty thick. Laptops are definitely more expensive in Korea than in the U.S. Even if it's a Samsung laptop... you would think it would be cheaper in the country that produces it (or perhaps it is compiled somewhere else? idk)

phones in Korea. From what I've seen so far, phones are also much more expensive here. At the booth we were at, even if you upgraded your contract for another 2 (actually, I think the guy said 3) years, you'd still have to pay around 400,000 won for the phone (~400USD). That is rediculous...In the US if I extend my contract by 2 years, for the best phone there I would have to pay a max of 200USD. I think there may be ways around this ludicrous price if you switch phone providers? Not entirely sure or maybe the guy was trying to rip us off majorly.
 Samsung TVs!

 LG TVs! 

 Cute USBs. They're probably expensive bc of the design bc normal USBs seemed to be similar to the price of those in the US.

 Bap Tong (rice cookers!) haha

 Coffee makers.

 Book section ~

 Going down the esclator ramp. pretty convenient since you can put the shopping cart right on it!

 cute mini trash bins. I'm thinking about getting one for my dorm. I think 4,800 won.

 cute! looks like a candle holder

 Really expensive?? Why? Is it an organic watermelon? its about ~17.80 USD

 haha individually wrapped bananas

 individually wrapped peppers

 looks gross.. Is it cheese? But it wasn't even in the refrigerated aisle.. 

coffee nomz

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