Tuesday, June 5, 2012

포항 [Pohang]

Looks like I'm definitely going to Pohang with Ling this summer! Very, very excited. I'll be there for around 5 weeks. I'm going to help out in an English program there, and I just got news that  I'll be able to help (hopefully at least with the graduate students) at a research lab focusing on neurobiology. It seems like it'll be really interesting - the one specifically that I will be in deals with neuroscience and its connection with psychological disorders. Awesome. Reminiscent of high school and independent research class, and it even ties in psychology somewhat. I hope last semester's experience as a psych RA helps a bit in this new experience and that I will be able to improve my research methods for when I return to UMD.

I'm also super excited about the English program, where I'm supposed to be acting as a "Group Leader." As one, I would be paired up with another Group Leader and be given a group of ~5 university students. I think I'm supposed to hang out with them practically every day, or most days of the week, lead discussions, make a skit, go on field trips - all while speaking to them in English.

(SOUND FAMILIAR??? NSLI-Y 2010 Korea summer. Sounds like the roles are switched! Will I be the "supporter" this time? Awesome! haha)

I really do hope my group of students learn a lot from me! I hope to learn more deeply about the Korean culture from them as well from our discussions as I plan to make it a point to compare and contrast Western and Eastern cultures as a way of getting them involved and talking. :)

After the programs at Pohang end, I plan on going back up to Seoul, staying at Aunt's again, then hopefully doing an internship/work if all goes well.

So, I'm in the mood to read science journals in McKeldin. I have to go UMD anyway to get a signature from the study abroad program advisor, because if I send in this application (summer program at POSTECH), then I may be able to get a scholarship for me helping in research. It would probably be enough to cover all my food and perhaps mini travel expenses that may incur from staying in Pohang for the month (or maybe just food since I'm a fatass lol). Oh. Also, the English program provides a place to stay in the international dorms on campus at POSTECH I think. I also get payed for the English program. Life's good.

Mckeldin Library @ UMD! I'll see you soon~~~ Hopefully I don't fall asleep again.

-- I also picked my seats for flights! Got a window seat. Excellent. :)

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